Sunday, September 12, 2010

So. Stinking. Excited.

Barry just ordered part of my anniversary present (we have been married four years this Wednesday), and I am so excited about it, I can't stand it! I am sharing the information because I know a lot of you who follow my blog are fellow mommies, and this is the best gift for a mommy ever! It is the Little Love Charmer Plus charm and a necklace from Tina Steinberg. Her website is: Check her jewelry out, it is so amazing! My charm will be Branner's thumbprint on one side and his name on the other. I can't wait to get my fingerprint kit in the mail!


  1. Sounds awesome, I'm going to check it out! Thanks for sharing! And post pics when yours is finished- what a sweet idea!!

  2. I will definitely post pics! I can't wait to see the finished product!


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