Sunday, January 13, 2013

Who's Calling?


We started our week out exactly the way I like to this morning—at church. The sermon Dr. Kort gave really hit home for me. The message involved setting intentions and being mindful about what God is calling you to do. He asked what was tugging at our hearts because whatever was is more than likely God letting us know how we are to serve. Barry and I were talking in the car about what that meant to us, and I told him at this point, God couldn't be more clear with his message to me.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned my goals for this year here. They were pretty simple and focused mainly inside my home and on my family unit. Since I have, um, switched career paths, I have spent a decent chunk of my time volunteering through the Junior League, our church, and Branner's school. But, I am feeling a tug to place my focus mainly on my family and church this year. God is definitely telling me to concentrate my main efforts on Him, my marriage, and being the best mommy I can be. So, that is what I am making my calling.

I'm going to step back from the Junior League for a year. After Leighton arrives, I don't think I'm going to even attempt to do the small amount of outside work I am currently doing. I will continue as a member of the parent's committee at B's school, and I am going to join a Mustardseed Group (a small group focused on faith) at our church for moms with infants and toddlers. And, at this time, I feel like that is enough. It's time for me to really get back to basics this year.


  1. Beautiful message from your minister :)

    1. It made me feel so much better! I have been killing myself trying to do too much for the past year or so, and this was divine intervention to tell me to slow down!!!


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