Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Play Date

Remember this article I wrote over at Modern Parent? Well, I have been trying hard to do better about making new mom friends lately. Particularly ones with children close to Branner's age. I have actually had a lot of success this summer! There are a few moms that we hang with at our pool. AND, I made two brand-new mom friends! One through Gymboree and one through blogging :)

This morning, Branner and I met Beth from momsie and her youngest son, Sullivan, for a "date." We took the boys to Toys & Co to play and then had lunch at Chick-fil-A. We had a great time! The boys had fun and we both actually got to eat lunch before any major craziness started. Even though we had to rush out because the boys were done, we still finished our meals. If you have kids around 2, you understand that this is actually a big deal!

Thanks, Beth, for reaching out and for coming up with a fun idea for a play date!!!

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