Friday, June 11, 2010

Sweet Summertime

"In summer, the song sings itself." --William Carlos Williams
I found this quote in one of my Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, and I love it! Yes, I have read the whole series, and yes I know that it is dorky. But, I digress. I love, love, love the summer! It has always been my favorite time of year. This summer is extra special. I get to experience all of the wonderful things about my favorite season through Branner's eyes. I can't wait!

One thing I love to do now is to read mommy blogs. Two of my favorites are: and (Enjoying the small things). Dooce is hilarious and perfect to read for a laugh. Enjoying the small things is simply AMAZING. It is the most beautifully put-together blog I have ever seen. The author is a photographer, so there are fabulous pictures to go along with the absolutely lovely entries. This blog has changed my life, I swear. I cry almost everytime I read it. If you visit it and read the background info, you will understand. It has inspired me to make a "summer to-do" list like Kelle, the author's. Those of you who know me well know I take great pleasure in marking things off a to-do list, so this is the perfect project for me! Here goes...

Summer To-Do List--Volume 1

*Nap when Branner naps as much as possible. I feel like summer time is a time to indulge yourself, and what better indulgence is there than a nap?

*Go to the pool and have fun with Branner splashing around in the water and swinging him in the swings.

*Make several trips to Holden/Beech Mountain. I love summertime in both places, such truly different yet perfectly wonderful experiences.

*Find a signature cocktail for the summer to enjoy outside at dusk. Make it often. I'm thinking this will involve champagne. Yummy.

*Exercise often. I'm already doing this, but need to continue. I exercised 6 times last week and 3 this week so far. Yay, me!

*Follow the 5 Factor Diet for 5 weeks as closely as possible.

*Be bikini-ready by time for the annual Cox/Derrick beachtrip in August.

*Reward myself for getting bikini-ready with a fabulous new bikini and a(nother) pair of designer sunglasses.

*Try new, healthy recipes and update my Fab Eats blog regularly with them.

*Read more. This is one hobby I have had to slow down on lately, but I am definitely eager to get back to!!!

*Go to POPs. Bring wine and yummy treats to enjoy. Listen to the symphony.

*Have a luncheon just because for my friends and do all of the cooking myself.

*Go to the Farmer's Market often.

*Make a peach cobbler with fresh Farmer's Market peaches.

*Take Bailey on more walks.

*Enroll Branner in a baby swim class.

I'm sure I will add on to this, but for now, I am satisfied. Off to get a head start on #1 and take an afternoon nap since Branner is sleeping. Happy Weekend!

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